The Federal Association of the German Egg Products Industry (Bundesverband der Deutschen Eiprodukten-Industrie - BVEP) aims to promote the sharing specialist knowledge in cooperation with state institutions and similar organisations. One important task is its involvement in the development of legislation for the egg products sector at national level and within the European Community. In weekly newsletters the BVEP reports on current developments in the egg and egg products trade. In addition, it regularly publishes national and intra-Community regulations, Directives, laws and Council decisions as well as rules and regulations related to food law and hygiene, labelling, packaging, the environment and the marketing of shell eggs and egg products. Its tasks also include participating in the drafting of new regulations and directives at national and EU level as well as in the bodies and committees of the food industry. The aim of these activities is to create greater transparency as well as a uniform regulatory framework for the trade in eggs and egg products and to remove national and international barriers to trade. Its members are exclusively companies based in Germany.