Der Dachverband
Zur Internetseite - EPEGA
Vereinigung Eier, Wild- und Geflügelwirtschaft
Zur Internetseite - BVEP
Bundesverband der Deutschen Eiprodukten-Industrie e.V.
Zur Internetseite
EPEGA – the umbrella organisation
The European Poultry, Egg and Game Association (EPEGA) is a confederation of bodies which are linked to the European poultry, egg and game industry. EPEGA comprises organisations involved with these products through the wholesale and foreign trade and the food-processing and food industries. Its chief task is to represent its members at the institutions of the European Union, in EU Member States and in third countries. Rooted in the German market, EPEGA has a European profile through a representative office in Brussels and a network of European partners and contacts in the Member States.
EPEGA members
EPG - European Poultry and Game Ass.
Konrad-Zuse-Platz 5, 53227 Bonn, Germany
E-Mail: info@epega.org, Internet: https://www.epega.org
BVEP - Bundesverband der Deutschen Eiprodukten-Industrie e.V.
Konrad-Zuse-Platz 5, 53227 Bonn, Germany
E-Mail: info@epega.org, Internet: https://www.epega.org
KAT - Verein für kontrollierte alternative Tierhaltungsformen e. V.
Konrad-Zuse-Platz 5, 53227 Bonn, Germany
E-Mail: info@kat.ec, Internet: http://www.kat.ec
Our tasks
EPEGA sees itself as a European lobby group of the poultry, egg and game industry. This encompasses the whole economic sector from production to marketing. Matters related to intra-Community and international trade and the promotion of the EU’s trade with global markets are especially important.